a pile of salt next to grapes on a wood table

Sodium (Salt) Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Feeling a bit off-balance? Experiencing headaches or muscle spasms? These symptoms could be more than a minor inconvenience—they might indicate a sodium deficiency, which can have a significant impact on your overall health. So, let's explore what sodium does, why you need it, and how you can maintain a healthy balance.

Essential Takeaways
  • Understanding salt deficiency and how it impacts your health is crucial.
  • Sodium is more than just a flavor enhancer. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining fluid balance, supporting nerve and muscle function, and regulating blood pressure.
  • Balancing your sodium intake is simple with Hydration Drops. Electrolyte and mineral drops can boost hydration, enhance athletic performance, and improve overall vitality, helping bridge dietary sodium gaps.

    Understanding Sodium (Salt) Deficiency

    Sodium, commonly associated with table salt, is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in several bodily functions. One of the primary functions of sodium is maintaining fluid balance. It works alongside other electrolytes to regulate fluid balance within and around cells.

    Additionally, sodium is crucial for nerve function, muscle contraction, bone health, and blood pressure regulation. A sodium deficiency, known as hyponatremia, can disrupt numerous bodily functions (1).

    Recommended Daily Intake of Sodium

    The recommended daily intake of sodium varies depending on factors such as age, overall health, and individual needs. In general, it is advised adults consume no more than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day, which is equivalent to about one teaspoon of salt.

    However, certain populations, such as individuals with hypertension or other health conditions, may need to limit their sodium intake further to promote better health outcomes. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian to determine the appropriate sodium intake for your specific needs (1).

    Common Causes of Sodium Deficiency

    Hyponatremia occurs when the concentration of sodium in your blood is abnormally low (2). Here, we discuss some common causes that could lead to sodium deficiency and how you can address them.

    Profuse Sweating

    Excessive sweating, often due to intense physical activity, high temperatures, or certain health conditions, can lead to significant loss of sodium and other electrolytes from the body. Athletes, particularly those who participate in endurance events like marathons, are at increased risk (3).

    Certain Medical Conditions

    Several medical conditions, including kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, and heart failure, as well as hormonal disorders like Addison's disease and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH), can disrupt the balance of sodium in your body (4).


    Some medications, such as certain diuretics, antidepressants, and pain medications, can contribute to lower sodium levels. If you have concerns about your sodium levels while taking these medications, consult your healthcare provider (4).

    Inadequate Sodium Intake

    Although less common, inadequate sodium intake can lead to deficiency. This can occur with restrictive diets, certain medical conditions affecting absorption, or failure to adequately replace lost sodium after excessive sweating (2).

    Identifying the cause of sodium deficiency is key to effective treatment. If you suspect you have a sodium deficiency, consult with a healthcare provider who can help identify the cause, recommend appropriate treatments, and provide guidance on dietary changes or supplementation if needed.

    Recognizing the Symptoms of Sodium Deficiency

    Recognizing the signs and symptoms of sodium deficiency is crucial to ensure prompt intervention and treatment. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Let's examine some common indicators:

    • Fatigue and Weakness: Feeling consistently tired, weak, or lacking energy due to compromised fluid balance and dehydration caused by low sodium levels.
    • Muscle Cramps or Spasms: Experiencing muscle cramps or spasms due to interrupted nerve signal transmission and muscle function resulting from low sodium levels.
    • Nausea or Headaches: Symptoms of sodium deficiency can include nausea and headaches, often associated with electrolyte and fluid imbalance in the body (2).
    • Confusion or Mental Disorientation: In severe cases, sodium deficiency can lead to confusion, forgetfulness, or difficulty concentrating, as low sodium levels can affect brain function.
    • Low Blood Pressure: Significant sodium deficiency can cause low blood pressure (hypotension), resulting in symptoms like dizziness or fainting, especially upon standing up quickly (4).

    The Importance of Sodium for Health and Function

    Sodium plays a crucial role in maintaining our health and bodily functions. Let's explore why sodium is so important for our overall health and well-being:

    • Fluid Balance: Sodium helps regulate fluid balance within the body. It works in conjunction with other electrolytes to ensure proper hydration and maintain the concentration of fluids inside and outside our cells.
    • Nerve Function: Sodium is vital for nerve function and communication. It assists in generating electrical signals that travel along nerve cells, enabling them to transmit messages throughout the body. This process is essential for various functions, including muscle movement and sensory perception.
    • Muscle Contraction: Sodium is a key player in muscle contraction. It triggers the necessary signals for muscle fibers to contract and relax, allowing for smooth movement and physical activity.
    • Blood Pressure Regulation: Sodium, in coordination with other electrolytes, helps regulate blood pressure. It influences the volume of blood in the body, directly affecting blood pressure levels. Maintaining an appropriate balance of sodium is crucial for a healthy cardiovascular system.
    • Bone Health: In addition to its other roles, sodium also plays a role in maintaining bone health. It aids in the absorption and utilization of calcium, which is essential for strong and healthy bones. A proper balance of sodium is important for maintaining optimal bone density and preventing conditions such as osteoporosis (1).

    Understanding these key functions of sodium helps illustrate its critical role in our overall health and wellness. However, it's essential to maintain a balance, as both too little and too much sodium can have adverse effects. Finding the right balance of sodium intake tailored to your individual needs is essential (2).

    Benefits of Sodium Replenishment for Overall Health

    Maintaining optimal sodium levels offers numerous benefits that contribute to your overall health and wellness. Understanding the advantages of balanced sodium intake highlights the essential role this often-overlooked mineral plays in our body:

    • Improved Hydration: Sodium helps regulate fluid balance, preventing dehydration and promoting proper hydration. Replenishing sodium levels ensures adequate hydration, especially during vigorous exercise or in high-temperature environments.
    • Balanced Electrolytes: Sodium is an important electrolyte. Maintaining sufficient sodium levels supports a well-balanced electrolyte system, which is essential for various bodily functions like nerve signaling, muscle function, and maintaining proper pH levels.
    • Optimal Muscle Function: Optimal sodium levels support efficient muscle contraction and relaxation. By restoring sodium levels, you can reduce muscle cramps and enhance muscle performance during physical activities.
    • Boosted Cognitive Performance: Sodium plays a significant role in brain health and cognitive function. Adequate sodium levels support optimal nerve function and transmission, which can enhance memory, learning, and critical thinking abilities.
    • Heart Health Support: Maintaining balanced sodium levels helps regulate blood volume and blood pressure, which are crucial for heart health. By replenishing sodium levels, you can support a healthy cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of high blood pressure-related complications.

    Keeping a balanced sodium intake can significantly enhance various aspects of your health, highlighting the important role of this often-overlooked mineral. However, individual sodium needs can vary based on age, gender, lifestyle, and overall health. Therefore, finding the right balance tailored to your unique needs is essential (2).

    Learn More About Buoy Hydration Drops


    How Buoy’s Drops Address Sodium Deficiency

    Buoy's electrolyte and mineral drops are a comprehensive, science-backed treatment for low levels of sodium. These drops infuse any beverage with sea-sourced electrolytes and trace minerals.

    Made with natural sea salt, Buoy provides essential electrolytes and 87 trace minerals. Each serving gives you 50mg of sodium, helping replenish your body's sodium levels and counteract deficiency.

    Buoy's Hydrating Wellness Drops: A Comprehensive Approach to Sodium Balance

    Buoy offers a range of wellness drops packed with essential electrolytes and minerals:

    • Hydration Drops: Great for everyday fluid balance and during rigorous activities.
    • Energy Drops: Perfect when you need an energy boost, during high-intensity workouts, or the mid-afternoon slump.
    • Immunity Drops: A powerful blend of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and electrolytes to fortify your defenses.

    For a well-rounded approach to maintaining your electrolyte balance, Buoy offers the Daily Wellness Bundle. This collection combines Buoy’s Hydration, Energy, and Immunity Drops to cater to all aspects of your overall wellness.

    Begin your journey to optimal health with Buoy’s Hydrating Wellness Drops today, and experience the powerful benefits of balanced sodium levels and overall wellness.

    Sodium-Rich Foods and Dietary Considerations

    Boosting your sodium levels and maintaining a healthy electrolyte balance are as easy as making mindful dietary choices and using specially formulated supplements like Buoy Hydration Drops.

    Eating Sodium-Rich Foods

    Enhance your sodium intake naturally by incorporating sodium-rich foods such as celery, spinach, artichokes, Swiss chard, beet greens, olives, pickles, milk, cheese, seaweed, and shellfish into your diet (1).   

    Food and Water Sources May Not Be Enough

    Modern agricultural and water processing practices often deplete our food and water's electrolyte content. Many of today's farming techniques result in mineral-deficient soils, leading to nutrient-depleted crops. Water treatment processes often strip essential minerals along with contaminants (5,6).

    Navigating sodium balance might seem overwhelming, but a combination of dietary changes, proper hydration, and Buoy’s electrolyte and mineral drops makes it a lot easier. Start your journey toward improved health today, and say goodbye to sodium deficiency! 

    Learn More About Buoy Hydration Drops



    1. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (n.d.). Shaking the Salt Habit. [Web]. Available from: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/salt-and-sodium/
    2. CDC. (2022). Hyponatremia. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/sodiumdeficiency/
    3. Shirreffs, S.M., et al. (2004). Fluid and Electrolyte Needs for Preparation and Recovery from Training and Competition. Journal of Sports Sciences, 22(1), pp.  57–63. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0264041031000140572
    4. Mayo Clinic. (2022). Hyponatremia. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyponatremia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373711
    5. Meyer, L. (2016). The Impacts of Industrial Agriculture on Climate Change and Solutions for Mitigation. InTech. Retrieved from https://www.intechopen.com/books/new-perspectives-in-forestry-education/the-impacts-of-industrial-agriculture-on-climate-change-and-solutions-for-mitigation

    Cotruvo, J. (2004). WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. In: Nutrients in Drinking Water, World Health Organization. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/nutrientsbegin.pdf

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