Glass of water with lemon and mint.

What Is An Electrolyte - Things You Need To Know

Electrolytes are more than just a term thrown around in sports circles and health-conscious communities. They are fundamental minerals required for numerous bodily functions, including muscle contraction, maintaining fluid balance, and conducting nerve impulses (1).

These vital minerals—primarily sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium—regulate your body's hydration, influencing your heartbeat, muscular activity, and more (2). Balancing these minerals is critical for your health, and Buoy Hydrating Wellness Drops, the first-of-their-kind flavorless electrolyte drops, provide an easy and versatile way to maintain this balance.

Traditional electrolyte supplements often come with added sugars, sweeteners, “natural” flavors, and additives, which may not appeal to everyone. Recognizing this gap in the market, Buoy introduced its purposefully unflavored electrolyte drops.

Innovative Buoy Hydrating Wellness Drops are an easy, versatile, and flavorless solution for maintaining electrolyte balance, and they set Buoy apart in the wellness industry.

Essential Takeaways
  • Electrolytes are essential minerals our bodies need for certain functions, from regulating heartbeat and muscle function to managing water levels.
  • Understanding what electrolytes are can help us make smarter choices about our health and hydration.
  • Electrolyte and mineral drops are a convenient and versatile tool to help replenish your body’s essential electrolytes and minerals.
  • Purposefully unflavored, Buoy's drops can be added to any drink, making it easier than ever to stay optimally hydrated.

In this guide, we will explore the intricacies of electrolytes, their functions, and their benefits. We’ll also explore why you should consider incorporating Buoy into your daily routine to maintain a healthy electrolyte balance.

What are Electrolytes?

Lemon slices and berries submerged in water.

Put simply, electrolytes are minerals in our bodies that carry an electric charge. These include common minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, and they exist in your blood, urine, and body fluids (1).

Electrolytes perform critical functions. They help send nerve signals, move your muscles, and keep you hydrated. They also help regulate your body’s water content and pH level (3).

When you work out, you lose electrolytes in your sweat, especially sodium and potassium. Lost electrolytes need to be replaced for optimal body performance (4). Even if you’re not a fitness enthusiast, keeping your electrolyte levels in check is vital for overall health.

Understanding the Importance of Each Electrolyte

Electrolytes aren't all the same. Each electrolyte plays a unique role in maintaining our body's functionality. Let's go over the primary ones:

  • Sodium: This mineral helps control your body's fluid balance, aids in nerve and muscle function, and regulates blood volume and pressure.
  • Potassium: Vital for heart function, potassium also helps with nerve signals and muscle contractions.
  • Calcium: Aside from being crucial for bone health, calcium aids in muscle movement and nerve signaling.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium supports a wide range of biochemical reactions in your body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

Deficiency in any of these electrolytes can lead to serious health complications, making their daily replenishment paramount for overall health (1).

Food Sources of Electrolytes

While electrolyte supplements like Buoy Hydration Drops are an effective way to maintain your electrolyte balance, it's also important to know that many foods are rich in electrolytes:

  • Sodium: Found in table salt, processed foods, and certain vegetables.
  • Potassium: Abundant in fruits like bananas and oranges, leafy green vegetables, and dairy products.
  • Calcium: Primarily found in dairy products, calcium is also present in certain vegetables and fortified foods.
  • Magnesium: Nuts, seeds, whole grains, and dark chocolate are excellent sources of magnesium (1).

Historically, we sourced our daily electrolytes primarily from the food and water we consumed. Yet, shifts in our dietary habits, environmental changes, and intensive farming practices—driven by the increasing food needs of our growing population—have resulted in nutrient-depleted soils.

Consequently, the produce such as fruits, vegetables, and grains cultivated in these nutrient-poor soils contain fewer electrolytes in comparison to those harvested from nutrient-dense terrains. This change in food quality makes it increasingly challenging for us to obtain the necessary quantity of electrolytes from our diet alone (5).

Similarly, the quality of our water supply has also been affected. While it's true that modern water treatment methods are indispensable in providing safe, potable water, these processes often involve filtration systems that unintentionally strip the water of beneficial minerals while eliminating harmful contaminants.

This purification process has led to a decrease in the electrolyte content of our water, thus reducing our intake of these essential minerals (6).

Discover more about this topic in our blog post titled How to Increase Electrolytes—A Simple and Easy Guide.

Identifying Signs of Electrolyte Imbalance

An imbalance in your electrolyte levels can lead to various symptoms, including fatigue, fast or irregular heartbeat, numbness, confusion, muscle weakness, and convulsions. Identifying these signs early on and seeking medical advice can help prevent severe health issues.

To learn more about electrolyte imbalance, see our blog posts: Understanding the Signs of Low Electrolytes and The Dangers of Electrolyte Deficiency.

Buoy’s Hydrating Wellness Drops

Buoy Hydration Drops centered with a woman opening and using them on either side.

Buoy's Hydrating Wellness Drops offer a practical solution to lost minerals. Our drops are packed with electrolytes, 87 ionic trace minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants to ensure your body gets the minerals it needs for optimal hydration and wellness.

What sets these drops apart from other electrolyte supplements? They have no flavor, so you can add them to any drink—your morning coffee, water bottle, post-workout smoothies, and even cocktails—for optimal hydration.

Try Buoy Hydration Drops

Benefits of Buoy’s Electrolyte and Mineral Drops

Buoy's electrolyte and mineral drops are expertly formulated to provide the essential electrolytes and minerals your body craves without any unwanted extras. Free from sugars, artificial sweeteners, and even "natural" flavors, our drops are pure and unadulterated.

They have zero calories and carbs, and they’re vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and non-GMO, ensuring they fit seamlessly into a range of dietary preferences and lifestyles.

Buoy drops also have a high absorption rate with 3x more bioavailability than similar electrolyte products. This means they help you stay hydrated, boost your energy, and keep your immune system going strong.

Publications like In Touch magazine and Women’s Health magazine have showered praise on our drops, labeling them as a “game-changer” and “the best electrolytes for daily use.”

However, our mission isn't confined to creating excellent electrolyte products alone. We also aim to contribute to society and the environment. We have initiatives like donating a bottle of Buoy drops for every bottle sold on the website to non-profit organizations aiding people with chronic illnesses. We also advocate sustainable practices by using post-consumer recycled bottles and offering biodegradable refill mailers.

Buoy's Hydrating Drops vs. Other Brands

In a market filled with electrolyte products, it's important to understand what sets Buoy's Hydrating Wellness Drops apart.

  • No Sugars, Sweeteners, Artificial Flavors, or Additives: While many brands rely on sugars and sweeteners, artificial flavors, and additives to make their electrolytes palatable, Buoy's drops are purposefully unflavored. This means you can add them to any drink without altering its taste, making for a more versatile hydration solution.
  • Concentration of Electrolytes: Buoy's drops contain a higher concentration of electrolytes, providing a potent dose of hydration in every squeeze. Many other brands offer diluted solutions that require larger volumes to achieve the same effect.
  • Supplemental Nutrients: Besides electrolytes, Buoy's drops also deliver 87 ionic trace minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, providing a broader spectrum of health benefits that are often missing in other electrolyte products.
  • Environment and Social Consciousness: At Buoy, we believe in giving back. For every bottle sold on our website, we donate a bottle to non-profit organizations aiding people with chronic illnesses. We're also committed to sustainable practices, using post-consumer recycled bottles and offering biodegradable refill mailers - considerations that reflect our broader ethos beyond just sales.
  • High Bioavailability: Buoy drops have 3x more bioavailability than similar electrolyte products. This means that the nutrients in our drops are more readily absorbed and used by your body, giving you more bang for your buck.

While other brands may offer electrolyte solutions, Buoy's Hydrating Drops go beyond simple hydration. We offer a potent, versatile, and socially conscious product designed to support your health while also contributing positively to our society and environment. That's the Buoy difference.

How to Incorporate Buoy Electrolyte Drops into Your Daily Routine

Woman squeezing Buoy drops into iced coffee.

Incorporating Buoy’s electrolyte and mineral drops into your daily routine is a breeze. Just give the bottle a light squeeze into your drink before, during, or after a workout. Take it with you when you travel or if you're somewhere where you can't access much water. They're simple to use and easy to take with you wherever you go.

When to Use Buoy

Add a squeeze of Buoy to your drinks throughout the day, no matter what your day might hold:

  • Productivity Boost: Whether working from the office or home, incorporate Buoy's drops into your routine to combat the afternoon slump and enhance mental cognition.
  • Everyday Energy: Power through daily chores, keep up with your kids, or enjoy your favorite hobbies. Buoy's drops are there to ensure you have the energy to do what you love.
  • Endurance Sports: Sweating from intense workouts can deplete your electrolytes. Refuel with Buoy's drops for sustained performance and efficient recovery.
  • Illness Recovery: Recovering from a sickness that involved vomiting or diarrhea can leave your body bereft of crucial electrolytes. Restore your balance promptly with Buoy's drops.
  • Alleviating Hangovers: Alcohol can trigger dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Revive yourself after a night out by adding Buoy's drops to your morning hydration routine.
  • Travel Hydration: The low humidity levels in plane cabins can lead to dehydration. Combat this by adding Buoy's drops to your in-flight beverages for sustained hydration.   

Electrolytes are essential to our bodily functions, playing a critical role in maintaining our overall health. With Buoy’s Hydration Drops, you have a user-friendly and efficient way to keep these levels in check. See an uplift in your hydration and overall vitality by adding them to your daily routine.

We invite you to #JustAddBuoy today and feel the difference for yourself!

"Feel the hydration with Buoy" over ocean waves with all products featured.

Learn More About Buoy Hydration Drops


  1. Healthline. (2019). Electrolytes: Functions, Imbalance, and Sources. Retrieved from
  2. Popkin, B. M., D'Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, Hydration, and Health. Nutrition Reviews, 68(8), 439–458. Retrieved from
  3. Koeppen, B. M. (2009). The Kidney and Acid-Base Regulation. Advances in Physiology Education, 33(4), 275–281. Retrieved from
  4. Shirreffs, S.M., et al. (2004). Fluid and Electrolyte Needs for Preparation and Recovery from Training and Competition. Journal of Sports Sciences, 22(1), pp. 57–63. Retrieved from
  5. Davis, D. R., Epp, M. D., & Riordan, H. D. (2004). Changes in USDA Food Composition Data for 43 Garden Crops, 1950 to 1999. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 23(6), 669-682. Retrieved from
  6. Azoulay, A., Garzon, P., & Eisenberg, M.J. (2001). Comparison of the Mineral Content of Tap Water and Bottled Waters. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 16(3), 168-175. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1497.2001.04189.x. Retrieved from

Give your best self a squeeze

A healthier, hydrated, and clear-minded you is only a squeeze away with Buoy Hydration.

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